How do I cite an organization's website? for example, the United Nations or an NGO?
If you are using an online bibliographic referencing tool, then select to create a reference of type "Webpage"-- and put in the link.
If you want to reference this UN report --
In your Works Cited or Bibliography, the entry will look like this in the alphabetical listing -- in MLA style:
UN Refugee Agency. “UNHCR Global Trends 2015: Forced Displacement in 2015.” The UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR, 2015, Accessed 19 Jan. 2017.
And in the body of your paper, this information source can be referenced using an in-text citation like this -- in MLA style:
The UN Refugee Agency estimates that 65.3 million people were forcibly displaced in 2015.
Over 65.3 million were forcibly displaced in 2015 (UN Refugee Agency).