How do I cite a graph or chart I found on a website?


If I want to include a chart like this in my paper, how do I reference where I found it?

I found it in this online article:

The caption says it's "via HuffPost" and a link to "Huffington Post average" is provided in the article text. 

If I right-click on the image itself, I get a URL for this:

What should I put in my paper?

If you are using an online bibliographic referencing tool, then select to create a source or reference of type "Webpage" -- and fill in all the details, e.g., your Works Cited or Bibliography entry might look like this:

Vankin, Jonathan. “Donald Trump Vs. Hillary Clinton Polls: Is Trump-Clinton Race Tightening? Here’s What the Numbers Say.” INQUISITR: News Worth Sharing, 15 May 2016, Accessed 17 Jan. 2017.

And in the body of your paper, you could include this text next to the chart (using an in-text citation to "Varkin").

In the 2016 election, Clinton led Trump by several percentage points, as the chart below shows (Varkin).

Or you could put "Image source: Varkin" as a caption underneath the chart in your paper.

Readers would then be directed to "Varkin" in your bibliography, where they would be able to click on the link to the full article to see the chart in context.

  • Last Updated Mar 13, 2017
  • Views 203
  • Answered By East Library

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