My child has brought a book/resource home that I do not approve of. What should I do?


The book challenge procedure enables parents and UWCSEA community members to question the inclusion of a book in the library.

The book challenge process is as follows: Book challenge procedure flowchart

1: Meeting: Teacher Librarian (TL) or Head of Libraries meets with the complainant to hear the details and nature of the complaint and for the librarian to discuss book selection processes with reference to the collection development policy, and the UWCSEA mission and values.

Decision: If Yes, the librarian decides to remove the book based on the collection development policy. 

2: If No (TL decides to keep the book on the shelves), the complainant has the option to submit a Challenge Form for the book to be reviewed by a committee.  Please complete this form if you would like to continue this process.

A complaint can only be submitted by someone from the school community. If the book has been challenged within the last 5 year period, the decision of the review committee is held and the response is provided to the current complainant.

If the complainant indicates on the challenge form that they have not read the book, the process is paused until reading is complete and the book returned to the library.

3: Committee review: depending on the nature of the challenge a committee is selected in consultation with the DEIJ lead; a curriculum representative; a child safeguarding representative; and the division principal. The complainant is informed of the area/role of the committee members however personal identification will remain anonymous to protect the objectivity of the deliberations.

Timeline: Complete the review in 2-4 weeks depending on the length and accessibility of the title and the size of the committee chosen.

Decision: If Yes, then the book is removed from the library. The complainant & principal are informed.

4: If No: The book remains in the library collection and the complainant, head of campus & principal are informed.

Committee terms of reference


  • Last Updated Oct 11, 2023
  • Views 622
  • Answered By Barbara Reid

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