How can I create smaller file sizes when creating screen recordings with QuickTime?

QuickTime is so handy to quickly record a video, or a screen recording, but it records in high definition, which generates large files sizes that can take aaaaaages to upload, and then aaaaaages to process so it can be viewed online. 

3 Simple solutions:
  1. First when recording a Movie (ie face on screen) get them to check that the recording quality is set to High and not to Maximum, just click the drop down menu next to the circular red recording button. 
  2. The finished video can be even smaller, instead of just saving it, they can choose Export > 480p - and the final video will be a much more reasonable size, eg 25 MB, instead of 75 MB for a one minute recording. 
  3. Any video file can be downsized, just right click on it and choose Encode Selected Files, setting 480p.


  • Last Updated Mar 12, 2018
  • Views 69
  • Answered By Seán McHugh

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