Does the library accept donated books?


While we do occasionally accept donations we do find that at certain times we simply have too many to cope with.

Please do NOT send donated books to the library without checking with the library staff first.

Library staff will look through donations and return any books that cannot be used in the library to the donor.

Any books donated to the library should fit the following criteria:

  • In good condition (no brown edges, torn pages or books that have been written in)
  • Are not out-dated (non-fiction books should not have been published more than 5 years ago)
  • Are suitable  for our Global Concerns (remember these children are English as a Second language students so simple picture books are the most useful)

Please do not leave books  at or outside the library or in the dropbox. We find it very difficult to dispose of unwanted books.

If your books do meet these conditions, and you have checked with the library staff, please deliver them in person to one of the libraries. The library reserves the right to use or dispose of donated books in whatever way that they deem appropriate. This may include passing them on to others or re-purposing them for art or recycling projects.

From time to time we dispose  of books that have been weeded from the library or donated to the library. Money donations in appreciation of this service are gratefully accepted, if you are the recipient of any of the free books.  Just pop into the College Cashier and make a donation to the Global Concerns Literacy Fund, which will help us to buy new, appropriate books for other children, e.g., in Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, and Vietnam.

A list of other places to donate books within Singapore can be found here

Questions?  Contact Ms. Barb in the primary library ( / 83328072).


  • Last Updated Jun 19, 2023
  • Views 222
  • Answered By Barbara Reid

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