What are the end of year procedures for the Primary Library at East?

Each year there is a timeline around book returns. What is the timeline for 2019?


Each year the library needs to get books back from teachers, students and parents to enable us to replace lost and damaged items over the break and to reconcile patrons' accounts. Please remember that we are very flexible - if a borrower needs to keep a book for any reason we will  try to accommodate this need.

Please communicate with us so that we can keep note of any special circumstances.


For information on replacing lost & damaged books, or to speak to the library staff visit ask.uwcsea.edu.sg


The timeline for the end of the 2018-19 school year is as follows:


31 May (Friday)

  • Student leavers will be encouraged to only have one book at a time on loan for the next week.
  • Teacher and Parent leavers should begin returning their unwanted books.



Students and teachers can check what they have on loan by going to catalog.uwcsea.edu.sg and selecting EAST PRIMARY LIBRARY.

Login using your GAPPS ID and select MY INFO to see what books you have on loan


Visit our FAQ at ask.uwcsea.edu.sg site for more information about the library or ask for assistance at the circulation desk


4 June (Tuesday)

Library closed from midday for eve of Hari Raya

7 June (Friday)
All leavers (parents and students) books should be returned. Leavers with outstanding loans will be invoiced by Finance on 14 June (once an invoice has been issued, this is non-refundable)

All infant readers, book club books and all big books that are not being used between now and the end of school should start to be returned to the library by TAs.

10-14 June  

All books returned (teachers, students and parents) (including class loans) during this week. Summer borrowing starts. Students with no outstanding loans can now borrow up to 3 books with books due back 23/08/2018


For information and suggestions for summer reading (including eBooks, audiobooks, films, newspapers and magazines) visit our Summer Reading LibGuide

14 June (Friday)

All books including leavers books should have been returned.




Library closed to classes and after school from midday. Students can return books to the dropbox outside the library


17 - 21 June 19 : Library closed

Library closed to classes and to students before and after school, at break & lunch. Students can return books and come to the library at lunch, break or before or after school specifically to borrow for the summer, students, with no outstanding loans can borrow up to 3 books for summer, but, if a parent accompanies them to the library and approves of more, they may take whatever the parent requests.

18 June (Tuesday)

All remaining  infant readers (individual and guided) and big books brought to the library by infant staff.


Books not returned and due back before 31 May will be invoiced by finance over the holidays. This is a non-refundable invoice. Once the invoice is issued, book cannot be returned. See the library
overdue policy at


24 June until school returns

Library open for borrowing on Wednesday mornings in July between 9-11am.



  • Last Updated Apr 30, 2019
  • Views 272
  • Answered By Barbara Reid

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