I want to run a professional bookclub at East. Will the library buy the books?


The Library at East does not buy multiple copies of books for staff professional bookclubs.

They are handled in 2 ways…



  1. Books can be bought from Department Budgets (CAPEX) and they will be catalogued but located in the department that purchased them. The library will order and process these books.

  2. If books cannot be funded from a Department budget, and they align with the K-12 curriculum, please pass the request to miaohuiuwc@gapps.uwcsea.edu.sg and see if they can be purchased from the PL OPEX budget. These books can be ordered by the library but they are not catalogued. They become the teachers’ property.
  • Last Updated Nov 14, 2018
  • Views 33
  • Answered By Barbara Reid

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