I want a selection of books in an F&P range for my classroom at East

How can I select some and let the library know the titles?


Here is a step by step tutorial to help you select books. Simply share your list with the library staff and email them to ask them to collect and loan them to you

Step 1: The first step is to open catalog.uwcsea.edu.sg 

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Step 2: Click UWCSEA East-Primary Library

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Step 3: Click Log In

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Step 4: Click Google API

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Step 5: Click Your GAPPS account

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Step 6: Click Catalog

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Step 7: Click Resource Lists

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Step 8: Click Add List

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Step 9: Type in A name for the list and type the name of one or more of the library staff in Find Patron

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Step 10: Click Go

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Step 11: Select the person Click Add

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Step 12: Click Save

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Step 13: Click Library Search

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Step 14: Choose Reading Program and Click Fountas and Pinnell

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Step 15: Click From and select your level from the dropdown

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Step 16: Click To and select your level from the dropdown

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Step 17: Select Call Number and type E AAA (Fiction) or E 000 (Non Fiction)

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Step 18: Click to and type E ZZZ (Fiction) or E 999 (Non Fiction)

Step 18 image

Step 19: Click Search

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Step 20: Your Selected List will appear at the top of the page. You can now add books (that have copies available) to the list

Step 20 image

Step 21: The Fountas and Pinnell level appears at the bottom of each title

Step 21 image

Step 22: Click Add to This List for the books that have copies and that you would like

Step 22 image

Step 23: You can check your list by Clicking Resource Lists

Step 23 image

Step 24: Click View

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Step 25: Let the Library Staff know who you have shared the list with and ask them to collect as many of the books that you have selected as possible.

Step 25 image

Here's an interactive tutorial for the visual learners



  • Last Updated Mar 01, 2024
  • Views 58
  • Answered By Barbara Reid

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