Can Primary School students at East use the Secondary Library?


While we are a single library service and do share resources, it is not the norm for students from other areas of the school to use their non-designated library.
There are of course exceptions. These would be for a single instance & not ongoing. These instances might be:
  • A student who is sent from one library to the other to collect a resource that the student's home library normally has in the collection, or has on order, or only has part of a series. If a student is coming to the library under those circumstances the home library will send a message (email, chat or written) to the other library to inform them
  • A student who has been sent by a teacher to collect a book to read to their buddy
  • A student, who through a pre-arrangement with the teacher-librarian in their home library has permission to borrow a book in a one off circumstance. Under those circumstances the home library will send a message (email, chat or written) to the other library to inform them
There are good reasons for us to adhere to this protocol. Students who can't find what they want in their home library need to have a discussion with their TL because this will assist the TL to ensure that we are collecting resources that suit all of our students needs. 
Students (and parents) will sometimes say that there is nothing suitable for them to read in their home library. This is unlikely and if they are struggling, the TLs need to talk to them and have the opportunity to assist them to find suitable reading material.
 In the instance of Primary students visiting Secondary, there are opportunities for them to be exposed to books that are not particularly appropriate.
If students want to request a book to be bought for them, that should only ever come from their home library to ensure that they are appropriate.
The Teacher Librarians are experts in readers advisory for their own students and should be given every opportunity to discuss what students are reading and want to read. 
Students accompanied by a parent are welcome to visit and borrow from any UWCSEA library
If you wish to give your child permission to borrow from the secondary library please complete this form and return it to
  • Last Updated Nov 08, 2019
  • Views 45
  • Answered By Barbara Reid

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