What measures are in place at East Library during the COVID19 pandemic?
Clarification of changes to the physical space and work habits.
UWCSEA EastLib is conscious of the need for some guidelines for library staff during the COVID19 pandemic. It is helpful for these to be public so that all patrons are aware of how we are ensuring their safety in our libraries.
These guidelines are likely to change with the rapidly altering situation so be sure to keep checking the written guidelines.
The library staff would like to send the same, consistent, kind messages to all of our patrons so that they (and we) feel safe and supported at all times.
Social Distancing - It is the responsibility of all library staff (with the help of other adults in the room) to be ensuring that the points below are followed:
- Library users should remain one meter apart at all times
- Primary classes should line up prior to entering the library and space themselves by arms length and be reminded by staff that they must always maintain this distance between them
- There will be no classes using the library with buddies
- Parents, Helpers and visitors will not be in the library before or after school
- Boarders will continue to access the Secondary Library after school as per normal while they observe social distancing.
- Grade 4 can use the Primary Library before school.
- The Primary Library is used for a supervised activity after school.
- Facilities have marked furniture with stickers to indicate spacing required at desks, tables, study carrels
- Individual chairs have been re-arranged to observe a reasonable distance and students can face away from each other to avoid face-to-face encounters
- Tables that were pushed together have been moved apart
- 50% of chairs around tables are stored in DJ Room, Library Works, Blue Room
- Gaming in groups will no longer take place in the library
- Use of withdrawal rooms has been temporarily suspended in secondary but may be available for purposeful meetings and study
- Bean bags are stored
- Window seat in Primary Library out of bounds and the ladder has been removed
- Safe distancing markers are in front of the shelves in the Primary Library ( one square per bay) to remind students about correct social distancing
- Staff will remind students about social distancing at the circulation desk
- Signage has been made and displayed by Library Staff reminding students of the need to observe social distancing and informing them that if the regulations are not followed, areas of the library will be closed to them.
Ensuring that there is no overcrowding
- Both libraries will have only one entry point and the Library Staff will put signs on both sides of doors informing visitors to please enter and exit through the main door unless there is an emergency.
- Primary are restricting break and lunch to a single grade per day. See the Library Timetable
- Library Staff will monitor numbers in both libraries with a counter.
- The Primary Library will be limited to no more than 2 classes in a period during scheduled borrowing times.
Cleanliness - Facilities are cleaning more frequently, but it is the responsibility of the library staff to perform routine cleaning of surfaces and equipment throughout the day.
- Hand sanitizer stations are set up at the door of each library.
- Primary students will have supervised hand cleaning before entering the library
- Secondary students will be expected to clean their own hands every time that they enter the library. If staff observe that an individual does not do this they should approach them and remind them that hand cleaning is required before entering the library.
- Students may use their own hand sanitizer as provided by parents
- All toys, games (Lego, chess, GO), marker pens, cards etc have been thoroughly cleaned and stored away by library staff
- iPads, OPACS and any computer terminals will be cleaned by library staff after every scheduled class and after break, lunch & the end of school. Facilities have provided cleaning equipment.
- Tables, study carrels, circulation desk and other hard surfaces should be cleaned by library staff after use. Facilities have provided cleaning equipment.
Returns & cleaning books.
- All books will be returned through the returns boxes (or another suitable box)
- In secondary there may be some instances where students can self-return with assistance from the library staff. These books will then be placed in isolation for 2 days (updated 11/11/20 - revised to 24 hour quarantine) (updated 20/04/20 - no quarantine until further notice)
- At the end of each day these books will be moved to a withdrawal room (Blue Room in Primary, George Orwell Room and/or back office in Secondary). Boxes will be clearly marked with the date and time.
- When books have been in the withdrawal room for 24 hours they should be taken from the room and returned. Books can then be re-shelved.
- Library staff should remember to thoroughly wash hands before and after handling books and to avoid touching their faces during this process.
Gloves and masks
The school does not provide gloves and masks. Library staff should observe frequent hand-washing for 20 seconds with soap and water and use sanitizer in between washes if necessary.
Masks should be worn at all times.
If staff are unwell, they will be at home.
Temperature taking
All students will be monitored in other areas of the school so temperature taking is not required in the library.
Staff will be expected to continue to record their temperature on CIMS by 8am EVERY day and to have a second temperature check by 1pm.
Simple signs will be erected by library staff at the doors of each library and other points throughout the library stating the measures that we are taking to prevent the spread of infection.