How do I access our subscription to Massolit?
Our HS English departments (Dover and East) subscribe to the English Literature and Classics and English Language courses on Massolit.
You can log in using your school email.
Alternative method
Go to
1. Click HERE to Sign up or select Log-in then "create account".
2. Choose "UWCSEA International School" from the drop down menu
3. Enter the rest of your details* and click the SIGN UP button. The School Code can be found on our Password page.
4. Wait for activation email to arrive, then click the link in that email to activate your account.**
* Users should use their school email address when creating an account.
** Users will be unable to log in to their account until it has been activated via the activation email.
Please let LibraryEast@ or LibraryDover@ know if you are having any access difficulties.