How do I return my library books to EAST during the COVID19 circuit breaker?


Some people returned books in the two days prior to the circuit breaker beginning. These books will be processed within two days of the return to campus. Check your account after 3 June, 2020 to have access to an up-to-date list of loans. 

If you are returning to UWCSEA next year you are welcome to keep your books OR to return them if you are returning to campus. 


If you keep them you can return or renew them during the first half term next year.


From 2 June, 2020 the library will be accepting contactless returns from students and staff who are permitted to be on campus. This will entail returning books into the returns box or taking the books to a designated quarantine area in the library on their way to class in the morning.


You can check what books you have on loan at any time by going to and selecting your library. Login using your GAPPS ID and select MY INFO to view and renew your books.

If you are leaving UWCSEA in June it is important that books are returned as soon as possible to ensure that we remove them from your account. If you will be on campus at some time over the last two weeks of school please return your books to either library. There will be staff in the library to direct you or a box for returns to be placed in. The books will be stored for 48 hours before they are returned through the system and this will then be reflected on your library account.

If you are not going to be able to return to campus before you leave Singapore can you arrange for a friend to return your books and let us know?

Leavers books that are not returned, or have an arrangement made to return them by 12 June, 2020 will incur a non-refundable replacement fee. Please contact us at so that we can make another arrangement for you if you can't return your books or if you have left them with a friend to return.


  • Last Updated May 28, 2020
  • Views 418
  • Answered By Barbara Reid

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