How can an adult who is working with children from a variety of classes use EPIC with their students?
I am a single subject teacher and my students span several classes. I would like them to use EPIC. How can I do this effectively?
The way to do this is by creating a group within the class.
Each child is associated with a class and will have a CLASS CODE to access their account 24/7.
Each class has an email address and password to enable all the adults who work with those students. access to their classes. If you are at UWCSEA East these can be found here. Please do not share these with students or parents, they only need to know the class code.
As an adult using EPIC you can visit one class that you have students in and create a group within that class.
You can also create book collections in that class. Please prefix any collections with UWCSEA and a meaningful title.
EXAMPLE: UWCSEA - Chinese Books for G3 or UWCSEA - Ms X PSE Collection
Please check that your collection is marked Share with Epic Community. When you have made a collection you can share it with the other classes you teach by using those classes CLASS CODES. This way you only need to make the collection once even though you have students in multiple classes.
You will need to make a group of students in each class that you teach.
Please ask the Teacher Librarian to assist you if you don't have time to do this yourself. Just send the students' names and classes to the TL and they will set up groups for you.
Please share your collections with the library CLASS CODE ehc7829 and we can assign collections to all of your groups.
See the tutorial below to learn how to make a group and assign a collection
Here's an interactive tutorial
** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **