Where can I donate pre-loved books to?

I have books in great condition, will you take them in the library?


Unfortunately, due to space and time restraints, the library can rarely accept used books.

The Family Festival at East is usually held in March and they usually accept books from the end of February. They can be contacted at paeastffcommunications@gapps.uwcsea.edu.sg to discuss donations.

Other organisations that are open to book donations are:

Sony’s South Africa Mobile Library Project (SAMLP) - Donated books are sent to South Africa - Donate between September and October at the Sony Store located at #02-28/37, 313@Somerset. Visit their website for more information.

Declutter & Donate by Peace of Art - Peace of Art is a group of volunteers who have come together to raise funds for Singapore Red Cross’ (SRC) Young Hearts programme. Drop off your items at the SRC office located at #02-08, YWCA Singapore at certain times of the year. More information here

Books Beyond Borders - sells gently-read books to raise funds for educational projects in rural places needing a literacy boost. Check their website for what they do and don’t accept.

Dignity Mama - An initiative by social enterprise Project Dignity. Fill in this form to arrange to drop off your books, and a Dignity Mama manager will be in touch.

One Bag One Book - the aim for One Bag One Book is to put a book in every migrant worker’s bag. Donate Books in English, Bahasa Indonesia, Bengali, Hindi, Tamil, Singhalese, and other South Asian languages. Preferably novels, poetry, history, and motivational books.
e: onebagonebook@gmail.com. w: https://migrantwriters.sg

Red Shield Industries by The Salvation Army.  Drop off your items at any of the Donation-In-Kind booths. Locations of the booths, can be found here.

Thryft - Dedicated to recirculating quality books and clothes responsibly. Drop off your items at #02-08, Peace Centre or #02-00, 23 Kian Teck Road (books only). For over 200 items, you can arrange for a pick-up service for a flat $15 fee.

Books Don’t Throw (Singapore) - Books Don’t Throw (Singapore) is the largest local book-sharing Facebook group. Join the Facebook group and post photos and details of what you want to barter or give away. 

 BUY SELL KIDS BOOKS @ Sg Book Swap - This Facebook group is specifically for parents in Singapore who have preloved children’s books to sell or donate. Join the Facebook group and post photos and price of what you want to sell or swap.

The library has a list of organisations that will receive bigger quantities of books from time to time.

They are:

Bookreach - sends books to needy schools in East Malaysia - e: jasmine@iec.com.my | w: www.iec.com.my

A Closetful of Books - accepts and distributes books to appropriate groups in Singapore -
e: stories@closetfulofbooks.com or p: +65 6908 5510

PNG Partnerships for Improving Education - sends books to Papua New Guinea - e: mihyunbray@gmail.com

CSB Rohingya Refugee School - in Johor, Malaysia. Very specific needs - Please contact the Junior School Office at UWCSEA East

Please contact us at libraryeast@uwcsea.edu.sg if you discover other places accepting book donations. We will update this page with your suggestions.



  • Last Updated Jun 07, 2024
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